Most people prefer different nickname usage on each Discord server they are in. This is to suit each server’s theme and be completely unique in each server.
Do you want to change your nickname on Discord? Let me show you how:
How to Change a Discord Server Name on Desktop
You can easily change nicknames on multiple servers. But please note that you must either be the server owner, or you have permission from the owner or admin to change your own nickname even if you are only a server member. There are two role permissions for changing nickname usage. These are: Change nickname or Manage Nicknames.
- Change nickname – Members who have this permission can change their own nickname
- Manage nicknames – Members with this permission can change the nicknames of other members
Assuming you own the server or have permission to change your nickname, you can follow these steps to create a new nickname for yourself on a particular server:
Open Discord and click on the desired server you want to change your nickname on.
Right-click on your current username found on the left sidebar in the server overview and select “Edit Server Profile” from the drop-down menu.
Change your nickname on Discord according to your preference. Don’t forget to save changes by clicking the “Save” button.
If you are on a large server with a lot of users and it’s gonna be harder for you to scroll down and find your name, don’t worry. There is another way for you to quickly change your nickname without going through the steps above. Here’s what you can do:
Right-click on the last message you’ve sent on the server and a dropdown menu will appear. Select “Edit Server Profile” and a pop-up will show where you can type your new nickname for that particular server. Save changes.
If you are fond of using slash commands on Discord, there is another way to customize and make a new nickname on a server by using Discord’s slash command. Simply type the command in the message box: /nick [space] [new nickname] and hit “Enter”.
The Clyde bot will then execute your command and change your nickname on Discord for you.
How to Change a Discord Server Name on Mobile
Suppose you are using the mobile version of the Discord app and want to change your nickname on a server, here’s what you can do:
Open Discord on your phone and tap on the server you want to change your nickname on and tap on the three vertical dots at the topmost part beside the server name.
You will then be directed to the user settings. Tap on “Edit Server Profile”.
Change your nickname on Discord and save the changes.
Important things to note:
- Username and nickname are different things. You can change your nickname on many different servers, but you cannot change your username (if you are using the normal Discord features, meaning you are not subscribed to Discord Nitro). Your username will be visible not only to just one server but on all servers you are in.
- You can create a new username, or change your username by:
Open server settings by clicking on the gear icon at the bottom-left side of your Discord app.
Click on “Edit” beside your username.
Another pop-up will show. Type your new username and type in your current password. Click on “Done” and save changes.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Can Change a Discord Server Name?
Only the server owner or someone who has permission to change nicknames can change a server name. They can have either admin access or be a member who has been given permission to change their nickname or other members’.
How Many Characters Can a Discord Server Name Be?
Usernames and nicknames can be 2-32 characters but if you have a Nitro account, you can have names longer than 32 characters.
Are There Any Rules For What You Can and Can’t Name a Discord Server?
You can basically get creative in creating a username or nickname on Discord, however, you are not allowed to use swear words or other profanities as a username or nickname.