How to Add Roles on Discord

How to Add Roles on Discord

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#Server Setup

In many servers, the owner will create a number of different roles that can be assigned based on what a server member will be doing in the community.

Get Started on Your Discord Server

I hope this guide has been helpful in showing you how to create and modify roles in your own Discord server.

As you begin to add members and assign roles in your server, be careful to only assign certain permissions to people you can trust, such as an admin role.

Most permissions, such as the ability to join voice channels or send text messages, are usually pretty harmless.

However, other permissions, such as the ability to embed links or attach files, may be best given to only specific users as these permissions can sometimes be used to harm your server or other members.

But as you continue to run and moderate your server, the steps in this guide can be useful to manage members and keep your server nice and organized.